
November 05, 2014

Posted in Reviews

Mommy Kat and the Kids – Looking for a Different Main Course for the Holidays? Let’s Talk Turducken!

My family loves turkey as a holiday main course, and it’s a long-standing tradition that I cook up a huge glazed turkey for any major celebration. But after years and years of holiday turkey meals, I have to admit that I was ready for a change. And Echelon Foods had the perfect solution for me…the Turducken!

Read the full story at Mommy Kat and Kids

October 29, 2014

Posted in Reviews

The Food Sisterhood – Three birds in one meal with The Original Turducken by Echelon Foods!

Turkey dinners usually come twice a year for us - Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a torture to have to wait from January to October to eat turkey again and count down the days until this bird makes it on the dinner table once more.

Read the full story at The Food Sisterhood

October 29, 2014

Posted in Reviews

Rosalyn Gambhir – Turducken Feast

Unsure as to what a turducken is? The answer to that is quite simple - a chicken stuffed in a duck into a deboned turkey. Holy cannoli! Is that even possible? Why yes and it is THE ultimate dinner feast for you and your guests...

Read the full story at Rosalyn Gambhir

May 30, 2014

Posted in News, Tips

How to read a Nutrition Panel (Canada)

One question we receive is how to interpret the nutrition panel on our products.

Here’s the nutrition panel from our new (soon to be released) 4-Pack Turducken Burger Patties. This is what it shows:

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February 14, 2014

Posted in Q & A

Q & A: Gluten Free Turducken?

We receive many consumer inquiries about our turduckens and turducken burger patties at Echelon Foods. In this series of blog posts we’ll look into some of the most common (and less common) questions. For our first post we’ll discuss gluten free.

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January 03, 2014

Posted in Reviews

Daddy Doctrines – A Turducken Christmas

I make a mean turkey.

By that I mean that I’ve done a lot of experimentation with preparing the big bird for feasting with family and friends, and I have the whole thing down well enough that it is a task that usually falls to me for special holiday dinners.

Read the full story at Daddy Doctrines

January 02, 2014

Posted in Reviews

A Squared – Perfect Pairing: Turducken and Maple Bacon Brussels Sprouts & Sweet Potatoes

I have to admit that I have always been both curious and skeptical about the infamous turducken, but whenEchelon Foods approached me and asked if I'd like to give one a try I could not turn down the opportunity.

Read the full story at A Squared